Wednesday, January 23, 2008


1. setting out

2. clearance

3. cut top soil

4. fill

5. soil compaction

6. site layout-sign board, site office, temporary road n building

7. excavation for foundation

in building we had a:

1. beam- a) main beam.- beam that spand between column to column.

b)secondary beam- beam that spand between two main beam.

c) tie beam- baem that spand between column and main beam.

d) edge beam- beam that build at the overall building.

e) roof beam- beam that built at the roof part.

f) cantiliver beam- beam that support from one of the the end.

2. wall- a) infill panel

b) cladding

c) curtain walling

d) facing wall

3. slab- a) precast- :-rib and filler

- plank(beam)- hallow

- channel

- wide slab- multi core wide slab

-wide reinforced plank

- wide tie beam

b) in situ- :-flat slab


- hallow block

- rectangular grid

-diagonal beam

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